how to see duolingo assignments on phone

 As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Duolingo primarily offers language learning through its app, and it doesn't typically involve traditional assignments like those in a school setting. However, if you're looking to access and continue your language learning progress on Duolingo using your phone, here are general steps:

  1. Download the Duolingo App:

    • If you haven't already, download and install the Duolingo app on your mobile device. The app is available for both iOS and Android.
  2. Log In:

    • Open the Duolingo app and log in with your Duolingo account credentials. If you don't have an account, you can create one.
  3. Choose Your Language:

    • Select the language you want to learn. Duolingo offers a variety of languages to choose from.
  4. Navigate to the Learning Tree:

    • On the main screen, you'll see the "Learning Tree" or the set of language skills you're working on. Duolingo organizes its lessons into topics and skills.
  5. Complete Lessons:

    • Complete lessons by tapping on the skills you want to practice. Lessons usually involve vocabulary, grammar, and various language exercises.
  6. Review and Strengthen Skills:

    • Duolingo adapts to your learning progress. If you want to review or strengthen specific skills, you can do so by tapping on the corresponding skill icons.
  7. Check for Notifications:

    • Duolingo may send notifications to remind you to practice or inform you of new lessons. Make sure notifications are enabled in your device settings.
  8. Explore Additional Features:

    • Duolingo often introduces new features and challenges. Explore the app to see if there are any special assignments, events, or challenges that you can participate in.

If your usage of "assignments" refers to something specific, such as tasks set by a teacher or within a Duolingo course, please provide more details for a more accurate answer. Keep in mind that Duolingo's features and interface may evolve, so checking the latest version of the app for any new functionalities is recommended


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